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Empower Alumni Connectivity with Gradnet Directory

1 min read

Every thriving community is built on its members. To enhance alumni connections and communications within your community, you can establish a member database using Gradnet.

This detailed guide will help you with the step-by-step process of managing your alumni directory with Gradnet.

Find Your Community Members #

Accessing Member Directory #

To access the member directory, log in to your Gradnet account and navigate to the “Member Directory” section from the dashboard

Member Directory
Member Directory

Know Community Members: #

  1. Profile View Options: Choose between map or list view to browse through community members. Click on a member to view their details.
  2. Searching Members: Utilize the search functionality to find specific members by name, email, or other criteria.
  3. Filtering Members: Narrow down your search results by applying filters based on attributes such as experience, education, location, etc.
Find member
Find member

Manage the Members #

Add Members: #

Gradnet’s “approval required” enables the admin to verify every account that is created in gradnet through pending approval options.

  1. Review pending member requests and take action accordingly, approving or rejecting them as needed.
  2. Exercise control over your community by blocking or deleting users who violate community guidelines or are no longer active.
Gradnet's approval requirest

Manage Members #

  1. View all members and their details.
  2. Delete members if necessary.
  3. Modify membership ID and email address
  4. Set roles like moderator, editor, faculty, student
  5. Verify email if needed
  6. Download the CSV file containing information
Gradnet's View all members and  manage

Understand Member Groups #

  1. Access the User Groups from Manage Members
  2. Create the user group by providing the group name and description.
  3. To add a member go to add member then add the group.
  4. Enable these user groups to participate as voters in elections
Gradnet's Member Groups

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